Friday: Open for School Visits Only
Saturday: 11:00am – 4.00pm
Sunday: Not Open
Jubilee Farm is a social farm based in Larne on a 13.5-acre space that is based on the ethos of Creation Care where in stewardship it is farming and conservation in partnership. All aspects of Jubilee Farm are given the opportunity to flourish, including the people. It is NI’s first community owned farm, developed under a share offer where 150 people bought into the idea and concept, raising funds to buy the farm. From there it has developed into a community centred place where everyone is welcome, equally.
Social Farming is a service delivered by farmers as an innovative use of agriculture to promote therapy, rehabilitation, social inclusion, education, and social services in rural areas. There are multiple benefits from Social Farming for both the individuals involved and the rural economy.
Visitors during Bank of Ireland Open Farm Week will have a chance to connect with all aspects of Jubilee Farm, agriculture, where food comes from, farm jobs, nature, and aspects of our community involvement. Together we enjoy caring for our animals, pigs, goats and hens, the soil, growing veg, creating wildlife friendly areas, whilst all the time working alongside nature.